Fountain Farmers Market
Last Tuesday in May - November (as weather permits)
10 am - 6 pm
Fountain City Hall
Opening day, some say "Hay!" and get a couple of free farm fresh eggs!
The 2017 Fountain Farmers Market will be held in front of Fountain City Hall from the last Tuesday in May to November, as weather permits, from 10 am to 6 pm. All vendors are wanted, but I have had several requests for FOOD! By FOOD I mean we are looking for more vendors of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as hot ready to eat foods such as BBQ. Please if you know someone that would be interested, pass this along. Or if you are that someone I am looking for contact me, Jim La Chey at or 719-205-8574.
Wally - just hanging out in the managers booth at the Fountain Farmers Market reading about Mushoom cultivation while he watches the Fresh Goat Milk from Hillbilly Farms ferment into Kefir and Yogurt in mid June.